Shoreline Protection
This beautiful waterfront home site was threatened by the very same landscape feature that made it attractive. Its shoreline was unprotected, making it susceptible to erosion caused by tidal flows along the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Additionally, storms passing through the area may have increased damage by raising water levels and creating wave action that pounded away at the exposed areas along the waterfront. Not only was this home’s shoreline being eroded—so was the value of this property.
The experienced team at Earth Resources has created a riprap barrier that prevents erosion while still being sensitive to the environment. The area along the waterfront was cleared of all natural growth and debris. A gently graded slope was created down below the water line, then lined with a filter fabric. Large rocks were hand-placed to create a strong yet attractive protective defense line that allows waves to break naturally over the rocky surface without causing erosion damage.